Eta Sigma Alpha
National Homeschool Honor Society
Gamma Omicron Chapter
Our Purpose
The purpose of Eta Sigma Alpha National Home School Honor Society shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among home school students via the following avenues:
Eta Sigma Alpha shall encourage the development of an intellectual climate what will stimulate the exchange of ideas and ideals, foster scholarship, and promote academic excellence.
Eta Sigma Alpha National Home School Honor Society shall provide opportunities for the development of leadership and service in our community.
Eta Sigma Alpha shall also advocate homeschooling as a viable and successful educational methodology and act as a liaison for homeschooling to the general public, colleges/universities, and the media.
Why Should I Become a Member?
Colleges and scholarship committees love to see you’re a member of an Honor Society.
Members are recognized and kept accountable to strive for academic excellence.
Members are kept accountable to perform community service hours.
You want to be a part of a great group of people working toward common goal.
How Do I Apply?
All the requirements and application details are outlined on our Apply Now page. Once you apply and are accepted, you may begin participating in all Honor Society activities immediately. No need to wait until the next Induction Ceremony!
Not Qualified For Membership?
Eta Sigma Alpha is here to serve the Quest Community! Visit our Events Page to see all the many activities you can participate in without being a member. Also, keep working on those academics because we would love to have you apply for membership when you are ready!